2022 Annual Report
Letter from SOS's Executive Director
Dear friends of SOS-
As I wrap up my first full year as Executive Director (and eighth year with SOS),
I am incredibly proud to be the leader of this organization doing so much to improve the health and wellbeing of Monroe County residents.
As you will see firsthand throughout this Annual Report, SOS spent the year working to ensure that everyone in our community, regardless of their income, had access to healthy food: We distributed hundreds of thousands of pounds nutritious food via SOS’s two client-choice food pantries; prepared tens of thousands of fresh meals at the SOS Community Kitchen for children and seniors; provided weekly nutrition education to students within Monroe County title 1 schools; hosted interactive cooking demonstrations and community events; responded to natural disasters; fostered volunteer opportunities; and ultimately served 12,000 of our community members in need. A full 15% of the Monroe County population.
The resounding impact of these programs is a testament to the tireless dedication of the SOS staff, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to work with each and every one of them. Thank you to our staff, volunteers, donors, and community partners for supporting our critical efforts to increase healthy food access throughout Monroe County. I express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to everyone who supported our programs during the last year and in all the years prior. We would not be where we are today without you!
SOS has big plans for 2023, and we hope you will join us as we work to foster healthier generations of Monroe County families!

With gratitude,
Emily Nixon
Executive Director
2022 Highlights

Client Choice Food Pantries
Through SOS's client choice food pantries and food distributions, SOS aims to make healthy food accessible to all. Approximately 50% of the food distributed at our pantries is recovered fresh produce. By saving money on food costs, clients have more funds to put towards rent, utilities, childcare, healthcare, and other costs of living.
1.05 mil
meals provided
in savings
$2.6 mil
for working-poor Monroe County households
- R. Charles
The grocery store is very expensive. Now $20 gets you nothing when it used to be able to get lots. 7 people, 5 kids, in my family so it’s definitely a huge impact and that’s why I am so glad to be able to come here.
more new clients
than in 2021

volunteer hours
At our Pantries
Fresh Meals Programs
Meals prepared at SOS's Callahan Community Kitchen are five components: a fruit, vegetable, grain, protein, and low-fat milk. Meals utilize 90% fresh fruits and vegetables, prioritize whole wheat and 100% whole grains, and limit the consumption of high-sodium, high-salt snacks that are often the norm for many children and seniors.
meals prepared

Do they have a secret ingredient? Their food is always so good.
- Child, Boys & Girls Club
of seniors believe there diet is healthier because of the SOS meals they receive

volunteer hours
At our Community Kitchen
Nutrition & Agricultural Education
After piloting a 16-week curriculum at Gerald Adams Elementary in Spring 2022, SOS was awarded the USDA's prestigious Farm to School Grant for the 2022-2023 school year. These funds enable SOS to lead weekly nutrition and agricultural education lessons at three Title One schools in Monroe County, host school-wide taste-testing events, engage students in field trips to local farms each semester, and collaborate with community partners on the use of local produce!

of students gained a better understanding of agriculture
According to pre and post-surveys

Community Cooking Classes
SOS offered free hands-on cooking classes and cooking demonstrations at the SOS Callahan Community Kitchen. Each class and demonstration is lead by a local chef, and highlights the use of local, seasonal, budget-friendly ingredients. Anyone is welcome, but classes are marketed specifically towards pantry clients.
SOS has been amazing with the demonstrations programs where they show us how to cook amazing meals in the most effective, delicious, and cheapest way. SOS, they are simply amazing.
Client & Class Attendee


On the Horizon
USDA Urban Agriculture Grant
In 2023, SOS and MARC House will partner on a Community Tower Garden Farm, to produce food locally and offer educational opportunities for all ages.

USDA Local Food Promotion Program
Through a variety of programs in 2023, SOS will be working to increase local food access for Monroe County & Homestead residents, while creating new market opportunities for South Florida farmers.

SOS Staff
SOS is extremely grateful for our dedicated, kind-hearted team of staff who work hard
every day to make Monroe County healthier and more food-secure.

SOS Board of Directors
Doria Goodrich (President)
Pat Nossov, DVM (Treasurer) Thomas M. Callahan (Director)
Fr. John Baker (Director)
Erica Sterling Hughes (Director)
Nathan Eden (Director)
SOS's Volunteer Program
The impact of volunteers' time and effort towards SOS's programs cannot be overstated. The need in Monroe County surpasses SOS's small staff's capacity, and therefore we would not be able to feed and educate 11,000+ Keys residents without the generosity and devotion of our volunteers.

Over the past year, volunteers have supported the following efforts:
kitchen meals, pantry distributions, nutrition education classes, collection of donations at a local stores, distribution of weekend meals via SOS's backpack program, donation solicitations, weekly donation wishlist distribution, local tabling efforts, food and clothing drives, leading of cooking classes, and more!

Volunteer Hall Of Fame
Acosta, Natalie
Adler, JD
Antonowich, Ruth
Bacler, James
Banton, Rickinson
Belton, Heather
Benado, Jill
Berthold, Maggie Berthold, Maxwell
Blair, Shannon
Blum, Wallace
Bowes, Ginny
Brutcher, Callie
Callahan, Brenda Callahan, Thomas Canton, Fabiola
Cayle, Eric
Codde, Winter
Collins, Michael
Connell, Pat
Consorti , Pietro
Cruz, Fernanda
de Vorona, Arisleydi DeAngelis, Ellen deBettencourt, Michael Del Rio, Raul
DeMarco, Linda DeMartino, Donna Derrig, Jean
Duffy, Sue
Dumas, Quinn
Dumas, Quinn
Ferguson-Hodges, Raven Flatley, Joe
Ford, Dan
Ford, Lisa
Fritz, Kathy
Fuentes, Steven
Galusic, Marina
Garcia, Joe
Gerke, Scott
Gervasi, Tony Goldberg, Jill
Gomez, Chris Greenfield, Karrin Gregersen, Brock Grohol, Mark
Hann, Barb Heichelbech, Nita
Hill, Laurel
Hodgson, Joni
Houff, Abigail
Hubbard, John Hutchisn, Laura
Jacobi, Michael
Jenner, Beth
Johnson, David Johnson, Leslie Johnson, Lisa
Kaufman, Lee
Kenner, Angela Kerwick, Richard Kirkbride, Tami
Klasing, Robert
Klasing, Joanne Koenig, Kelly Kostmayer, Pamela Kyer, Laura
Leigle, Theresa London, Jeyson
Lopez, Francisca
Lopez, Mario
Lopez, Nelson
M, Lesther
Manse, Roger
Maria, Dolores
Martin, Debbie Martinez, Gustavo Mastrobuono, Patricia
Mathews, Kelly
McCann, William McCarthy, Rita
McDaniel, Steve McManus, James McManus, Tess
McPeters, Joy
Menditch, Lisa
Michaels, Sally
Michaels, Art
Mills, Kathy
Mobley, Kathryn Monteiro, Lorrie
Moody, Jeanette
Moore, Betsy
Morse Whitten, Rebecca Mumford, Lew
Nevins, Carol
Niekamp, Pam
Night, Patrick
Nossov, Pat
O’Connor, Mary
Pardillo, George
Penney, Jessica
Perez, Adam
Perez, Kassandra
Pfeiffer, Michael
Piccillo, Maureen
Pollack, Maxine
Power, John
Rade, Rachel
Robles, Elia
Robles, Kevin
Rodriguez, Belinda Rodriguez, Melanie
Ross, Marsha
Ruocco, Joe
Ruocco, Lynne
Ruth, Ana
Santiago, Ada
Scalera, Tony
Scerbo, Barbara Schoen, Kalena
Segal, Dylan
Senez, Gwendolin
Shiri, Mary
Silfen, Diane
Silvestre Mushi, Sr Mary Smith, Jaimee Smotryski, Nathan Springer, Steve
Stilley, Laura
Strickland, Stuart
Suri, Ariuska
Sympson, Bill
Sympson, Kathy Tarpley, Connie Thomas, Jennifer
Tolf, Linda
Torres, Jorge
Touhey, Suzanne
Tree, Connie
Vance, Johnny
Varnum, Gigi
Verde, Jean
Vilchez, Kenneth
Vogt, Maureen Volpenhein, Lindsay Wagner, Kip
Wagner, Sandra Walton, Lois
Warne, Jessica
Waters, Daniel
Weber, Catherine Wilusz, Carol
Winkler, Ed
Withow, Noah
Thank you, SOS Donors!
The Mission of the SOS Foundation is to foster a
Healthier Monroe County community
through food distribution, food recovery, and nutrition education.
We would not be able to achieve that mission without the individual donors, community partners, and private foundations who fund these efforts. SOS is very thankful for their support!